General Questions

<h1>General questions about the hosting service</h1>

How to use the GeoIP module?

On shared hosting servers where the Litespeed web server is used, GeoIP module with databases of countries and ASN networks...

How do you do a database export? (offload from server)

MySQL database export can be done through the phpMyAdmin interface. You can access it through the DirectAdmin hosting control panel,...

How do I connect to SSH using the standard Windows command line?

To connect to a remote server via SSH using the standard Windows command line, you can use the ssh program,...

How to add file extensions for PHP interpreter to process?

As a rule, all PHP scripts are processed by the interpreter only with the .php extension If you want to...

How do I change my contact email in my personal cabinet?

The ability to directly change the email in the personal cabinet is disabled for security reasons. But if your email...

How to improve Joomla security?

Recently, a lot of hacks and attacks on Joomla CMS. In this regard, we decided to give some advice to...

What control panels do you use?

Customers often ask what control panels we use and how they differ, we answer: 1) Directadmin – located at the...

How to choose a password

Password is the most important part of your personal data protection on our site. The main requirements for the password:...


We provide all-inclusive hosting, that is, we do not limit our customers in anything except disk space. We provide hosting...

What is traffic?

Traffic is the volume of incoming and outgoing information between the server and users.