SSL certificates

<h1>SSL certificates FAQ</h1>

Using a Code Signing certificate with Google Cloud HSM

Certificate authorities have recently raised key storage standards for code signing certificates, requiring that the private key of a certificate...

Why did sites with free Let’s Encrypt SSL certificates stop working?

If you are using outdated devices or outdated software, you can observe an error on your site that it’s not...

SSL from Cloudflare

If you use the cloudflare service to proxy traffic to your site and protect against ddos attacks, you can use...

How do I install a free Let’s Encrypt certificate for my site?

To install the free Let’s Encrypt certificate: Log in to the control panel at https://ваш_домен:2222 In the Account Management section,...

SSL Certificate Subscription

Subscription allows you to purchase a certificate for up to 5 years by paying for your order in one payment,...

SSL certificates for several years.

Google Chrome, Safari, and Mozilla Firefox browsers, as of September 1, 2020, no longer support multi-year SSL certificates. Multi-year certificates...

The problem with Sectigo certificates after May 30, 2020 and the solution method

On Saturday, May 30, 2020, one of the intermediate CA certificates for popular SSL/TLS certificates from vendor Sectigo (formerly Comodo)...

Comodo Personal Authentication Certificate (CPAC) issuance process

Comodo Personal Authentication certificate for signing and encrypting emails. You can order such a certificate through the website or personal...

How to install a free Lets Encrypt certificate on hosting

You can install a free certificate from Lets Encrypt directly in the control panel of Directadmin hosting, section SSL Certificates....

Description of SSL certificate validation process

Every day we get a lot of questions about validation procedure for different SSL certificates. Therefore, we have prepared detailed...