How do I connect to SSH using the standard Windows command line?

To connect to a remote server via SSH using the standard Windows command line, you can use the ssh program, which is available in Windows 10 and newer operating systems. You can check if this client is installed on your system beforehand.

How do I connect to SSH using the standard Windows command line?

To connect to ssh follow the steps below:

  1. Open the Start menu and start typing “cmd”. Select “Command Prompt” from the search results.
  2. At the command prompt, type the ssh command along with your username and the IP address (or domain name) of the server.

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  1. Replace username with your username on the server, and server_ip_or_domain with the IP address or domain name of the remote server.
  2. After entering the ssh command, you will be prompted to enter the password for your account on the remote server. Enter the password and press Enter.
  3. If everything has been entered correctly, you will be connected to the remote server via SSH.
  4. To end the SSH session and log out of the remote server, type exit and press Enter.

Note that to use SSH on the remote server, an SSH server must be configured and running. Also note that using the SSH command line requires knowledge of basic commands and working in a terminal.

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