How to install a free Lets Encrypt certificate on hosting

You can install a free certificate from Lets Encrypt directly in the control panel of Directadmin hosting, section SSL Certificates.

  1. In this section, select the option: “Free and automatic certificates from Let’s Encrypt“, then fill in all the fields in order.
    All fields should be filled in English letters (Latin alphabet)
    – Field Common name (domain) – filled in automatically, it must be a domain with a www in the beginning, then the certificate will be valid for the address with and without a www.
    – Email – enter your contact address.
    – Key size – 4096 bits and SHA256 certificate type
  2. In the “Let’s Encrypt certificate records” field, you can check additional domains for which you want to install a certificate.
  3. After clicking the “Save” button, if the certificate is successfully installed, you will see the following message: Certificate and key saved.

Now if you go to: (where is your website address) you will see the contents of the private_html folder.
And will load your site located in the public_html folder.

We recommend making another setting so that both addresses open the site that is hosted in public_html.
To do this, go to “Domains settings” on the main page of the control panel and click on the desired domain.

At the bottom of the page you can choose “Use link from private_html to public_html for http and https” option and save your settings, now both https and http will open your site from public_html folder.

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