SSL certificates

<h1>SSL certificates FAQ</h1>

Description of SSL certificate validation process

Every day we get a lot of questions about validation procedure for different SSL certificates. Therefore, we have prepared detailed...

How do I get a green line for my site?

The only way to get a green address bar in your browser is to buy an Extended Validation (EV) SSL...

How to install an SSL certificate in Directadmin

To install an SSL certificate on your hosting you must already have 2 files: a private key (RSA Private Key...

How to set up resale services (certificates, domains, licenses)

1) CREATE A SERVING SERVER Under Integration → Service Handlers we create a new service server. Select the desired product...

Alternative ways to validate Comodo SSL certificates with domain validation

All Comodo certificates must pass through DCV (Domain Control Validation) verification before being issued. DCV is the mechanism used to...

Why new SSL certificates require new root certificates (since July 2010)

Since July 2010 the Certification Authorities switched to 2048bit RSA Keys, so new root certificates must be installed for all...

Rules and features of ordering SAN certificates.

Here are some simple rules to keep in mind when ordering SAN certificates. The main domain or Common name (CN)...

How do I convert a PEM certificate to PKCS #12 (pfx) format ?

To convert a certificate in PEM format and a private key to PKCS #12 (pfx) format, you must 1) Or...

Reselling CCL certificates through Billmanager

Creating a processing server To resell SSL certificates, add a new server with the BILLmanager control panel in the Servers...

What documents are required to obtain a GeoTrust SSL certificate with Extended Validation (EV)

To obtain an Extended Validation SSL certificate, you must first ensure that the following requirements are met: Registrant is listed...