Mistakes, problem solving

<h1>FAQ on errors and their possible causes</h1>

What should I do if my site is blocked by my browser as containing dangerous software?

Most browsers have a built-in system for determining a site’s reputation. Browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari use the service...

What does MySQL server has gone away?

This error is caused by exceeding the limit of connections to the database, as specified in the appendix to the...

Error Warning: main(): URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration in

The PHP allow_url_fopen feature is disabled on our servers by default, if you want to enable it, write a direct...

Nothing I upload to the site, and less and less space, why?

Besides your files there are also logs and statistics files, they can be cleaned from time to time, but we...

The PORT command is not executed.

Check the points: 1) If you use Total Commander then check the version, preferably not lower than 6. 2) Try...

Why the server does not give the date of the last change of the document?

For static documents, the server actually outputs the date of the last change. However, if the formation of your pages...

Hidden files (.htaccess, .htpasswd) are not displayed

Files whose name begins with a dot in UNIX systems are hidden and are not visible by default when accessing...

How do I enable error output on the site?

If you get “HTTP Error 500 (Internal Server Error)” then your site may be generating some sort of scripting error....

What does error 403 mean?

This error occurs when the server was unable to process the request because access to the file was denied. It...

I do export my database via phpmyadmin and the site I get only question marks ??? what do I do?

When performing export via phpmyadmin, you need to specify the encoding of your database dump, by default phpmyadmin selects utf8,...