
How to know the age of a domain, site, page

The age of a web portal has a direct impact on traffic in the first place. Users are much more likely to go to verified sites. Trust from search engines is higher in relation to those sites that were created long ago.

From time to time, people are faced with the need to check the age of a website. This happens when you need to buy a web portal or find partners. Additionally, the lifespan of the site age of the web resource is checked and in the process of studying competitors. Checking the site can be done in several ways, each of which has its own peculiarities. You can also perform domain verification on our website – it will take a little time. Let’s understand how to find out the age of a domain and website.

How to use online services to find out when a website was created

In order to find out exactly when the site was created, you can use a variety of online services and special programs that are available on the network.

There are a few simple and effective steps you need to follow in order to conduct a test:

  1. Initially in a specially prepared search box on the page you need to enter the address of the selected site. This will establish exactly how long ago the site was created.
  2. After that, you need to start the analysis process.
  3. A large amount of information will be displayed on the computer screen. You should pay closer attention to such a section as “Technical condition of the site”.
  4. In this section, you need to find the item related to domain age. That way you can find out how long the site has existed.

You should also consider that the site may be up and running much later than the domain registration was done. Some companies buy the domain name in advance and also choose the appropriate zone. In addition, a domain is often resold several times using domain transfer.

WHOIS data will tell you when the site was created

Quite often users use a special database, which is called WHOIS, to carry out the appropriate verification. You can use it to find out when the site was registered. This tool can be used for free. In order to perform the check, you need to enter the domain name rather than the web portal address. After that, you can move on to inspection.

Through this service it is possible to obtain such information:

  • exact name;
  • servers in use;
  • features of cooperation with the administrator.

In order to get information about when exactly the domain registration took place, you need to go to a special section on the page. It states how long the site is.

You can use this service at any convenient time. And the same will simplify the domain management process.

How to find out the creation date of a website using internet archives

How do I check the age of a domain? If a person is willing to spend some time checking when the domain was registered, a web archive can be used. The distinctive feature of this service is that it stores copies of almost all sites that are on the web. But this process is not fast, and will only suit those who are not ready to face difficulties.

How to check the date of registration of the site? To use this method to find out when a site is registered, you need to go through several steps:

  1. Initially, enter the address of the website you are interested in in the designated line. Press “BROWSE HISTORY” to start the test.
  2. After a couple of seconds, a calendar will be displayed on the monitor and certain data will be marked. Here you can also see when publications were added or other processes were performed.
  3. If you spend a little time, you can find the date when the portal was created.

Spending a little time, you can find the date when the portal was created and find out the date of registration of the site.

Through the web resource, you can get information about the number of images and videos added, design changes, and other content.

How do I know how long a site has existed? By favoring this method, it will be possible to find out as accurately as possible in which month the resource was created. But it’s important to remember that if the information was added infrequently, there may be some difficulty in determining the date.

How to find out how long a site has been up using SimilarWeb tool

How do you know how long a website is up? Go to the SimilarWeb website, enter the URL of the resource you want to check. The service will show information about its traffic, engagement and other metrics. In the History section, you can see a graph of traffic over a period of time, which gives you an idea of how long the site has been running.

How to find out the age of a website domain using SEO analysis tools

How can I see the date of domain registration? In order to get more information not only about the date of domain registration, but also about other aspects that relate to the web portal, you can use effective and useful services PR-CY, CY-PR.COM, as well as XTOOL or SeoLik. You can choose one or several services.

How can I find out the date of domain registration? In order to start checking, you need to enter the web portal address in the designated line. After that, you can carry out the start of the process of analyzing how to find out the age of a domain. Some time may be required for detailed research and to establish the exact date when the web portal was created.

How to find out the registration of the site? To accurately know the age of the site, services take into account several basic parameters:

  • the age of the domain and when it was started;
  • data that is contained in the web archive;
  • the date when search engines first indexed a web resource.

These services utilize all of the information that was calculated through the previously listed methods. In this case, the actions are performed automatically, and you do not need to do anything manually.

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