How to replace ISPmanager, BILLmanager and other ISPsystem products

A lot of users are looking for substitutes for the products of Russian companies. We’ve made a selection of alternative products that you can switch to.

Migration from ISPmanager

ISPmanager is a popular hosting management panel, we have also used it on one of our servers before.

Migration from ISPmanager to Directadmin

Over the years we have used different panels in our work Plesk, cPanel, Directadmin. But on the largest number of servers we use Directadmin. The panel has been actively developing for the last few years, has great server customization capabilities and is easy to use for the average user.

Unfortunately there is no official tool for migrating hosting accounts from ISPmanager to Directadmin at the moment.

There is an unofficial script published on the Directadmin forum, but judging by the date of its publication it can only work with ISPmanager 5

wget -O
wget -O parse_ispmanager.php
chmod 700 parse_ispmanager.php
./ /full/path/to/ispmanager_backup_file.tar.gz

Script Limitations:
1) Absence messages are not converted
2) MySQL databases and usernames are renamed so that they are preceded by user_. MANUAL modification of PHP configuration files is required.
3) Restrictions are not converted.
4) No reseller conversion is supported, only users
5) In directadmin, the user is always assigned to the client as “admin”.
6) Does not support database names like user_something_here (with _) unless underscores are enabled in the DA configuration.

This script has not been tested by us, you can use it at your own risk.

Buy a license Directadmin you can directly from us, we sell licenses without markup, also buying a license from us you can get all the necessary accounting documents.

Migration from ISPmanager to Plesk

There is no publicly available migration script, but there is a paid migration option available

  1. Paid option, described here.
    Plesk support is ready to perform such migration on a paid basis.
  2. Manual migration is described in great detail in this material.

You can order a Plesk license from us. Activation is automatic, instantaneous. If you need more than one license – write to us and we will give you a 5-20% discount, depending on how many licenses you need.

Migration from ISPmanager to cPanel

In the cPanel knowledge base, there is a description of manually migrating accounts from unsupported panels to cPanel. You can also contact cPanel support for assistance.

You can purchase a license for cPanel on our website.

Migration from BILLmanager

We have already migrated clients and services from BILLmanager in our company. When we were looking for a migration solution, we thoroughly researched and tested 7 of the most popular hosting billing systems: WHMCS, Hostbill, Blesta, Ubersmith, Clientexec, RootPanel and Wisecp. Taking into account the large number of requirements we have 2 billing systems: WHMCS and Hostbill.

Migration from BILLmanager to WHMCS

Unfortunately, despite the popularity of BILLmanager there was no ready solution for migration, so we wrote a migration script on our own and used it to migrate thousands of clients, services and support requests.

When migrating it is worth considering a huge number of settings, because depending on the configuration of the source BILLmanager billing system – the script settings need to be changed a lot. Therefore, we do not put this script in the public domain, but we are ready to provide a paid service to migrate customers, rates, services and requests.

The cost of such migration from $480, depending on the amount of data. For those who buy WHMCS license from us – 10% discount for data migration from BILLmanager to WHMCS. To book a migration – just email us at or via live chat.

And when you buy a WHMCS license from us you will get a bonus full Ukrainian translation and a discount on additional modules: accepting payments via Portmone, as well as 5 Ukrainian domain registrars.

Migration from BILLmanager to Hostbill

There is no ready-made solution here, but when we contacted Hostbill support they studied the structure of Billmanager database and gave us information that they are ready to write a migration script for about 600$

The following restrictions are worth keeping in mind when transferring:

  • After migrating products, you still have to review them and properly connect them to the server and configure their limits (since each module uses different settings)
  • If a customer stores credit card or recurring payment profiles with a payment method associated with a gateway – this will not be imported or must be specified separately for each gateway
  • Application connections will be imported as templates, you will need to reconnect them (adding accesses/logins, etc.)
  • Only one/main project/provider is imported (if multiple providers are used, they will be merged into one)
  • Data related to such HostBill modules as IPAM, colocation manager are not used for this import and will require a separate migration.

Importing partner/referral data is a more complex process and requires a separate assessment.

Migration from BILLmanager to RootPanel

RootPanel is a panel from a Ukrainian developer and recently a paid migration script has appeared for this panel.

The script can transfer

  • Tariff plans and orders – only for the “Hosting” tariff type, without support for additional services
  • Servers – cpanel or ispmanager5 only
  • Domain Zones and Domain Orders
  • Registrars – only directi / regru / webnames (full), hostmaster (partial transfer of contacts) and naunet / r01 / ukrnames (no transfer of contacts).
  • Customers – no affiliate/referral relationships
  • Accounts – only Expenses without reference to payment systems
  • Profiles – payers and domain contacts

Migration from VMmanager

Migration from VMmanager to Virtualizor

We have already done such migration for our customers. There is no simple script or instructions on how to transfer. It’s not a manual migration, but it’s not fully automatic either, it involves editing the xml of the domain (virtual machine)

At the moment we have considered and tested for ourselves the option of setting up a separate server with virtualizer and moving virtual machines there. Without going into too much detail, it roughly looks like this:

  • Configuring a new virtualizer server
  • Install virtualizer also on the server with vmmanager
  • Importing VMs into virtualizer
  • Add ip for VM in virtualizer and make changes in xml
  • Migrating a VM in the virtualizer panel to another server
  • Again, we’re doing some manipulations

The migration was tested for the new qemu 2.12.0 version.

In summary, the transfer process boils down to the following points

  • Install and configure Virtualizor
  • Import machines into Virtualizor
  • Stop all VMs
  • Edit machines in Virtualizor (including adding ip addresses)
  • Change network settings (bridge)
  • Edit xml
  • Start machines in Virtualizor
  • If everything is fine, then uninstall VMmanager

You can buy a Virtualizor panel license directly on our website.

Migration from DCImanager

Given the complexity of this kind of software, there is no ready-made migration solution, but we can recommend Easydcim as an alternative for DCImanager panel. This server management panel is deservedly popular and has many integrations with other panels, including WHMCS billing.

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