Licensing Models in the SPLA

Licensing Models in the SPLA

There are two models in total:

  1. Per user – Subscriber Access License (SAL)
    A user license is required for each user who had access to this software during the reporting period.
  2. Per Processor License (PL)
    Processor license gives the right of access to an unlimited number of users to the software installed on the server.
Advantages and disadvantages of SAL

“+” The user has access to an unlimited number of servers.
Example: you have 2 servers, one running MS Communication Server, the other Exchange, the users are the same – > you pay for 1 license multiplied by the number of users.
“-” With a large number of users, you overpay compared to the PL.

Advantages and disadvantages of PL

“+” With a certain number of users, the processor license is cheaper per user.
“+” At any time you can add as many accounts for your employees as you want.
“-” Can’t save money by reducing the number of users during vacations/crisis, etc.
“-” Unprofitable price for a small number of users.

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