SSL certificates

<h1>SSL certificates FAQ</h1>

How to generate a CSR

CSR (Certificate Signing Request) – literally translated as Certificate Signing Request. CSR request is generated every time you order SSL...

What is SSL really about?

SSL, short for Secure Socket Layer, is an Internet standard security technology that is used to provide an encrypted (or...

What is the difference between SSL certificates?

The number of companies that use SSL certificates has increased significantly over the past few years, there are several reasons...

How do I verify the correctness of the CSR signature, which is required when a certificate is issued?

You can check if the CSR signature generated on your server is correct at this link: To check: Paste...

How to pass phone verification to issue an SSL certificate.

For SSL certificates with organization validation, one of the validation steps is to check the phone number of the organization....

SSL certificate formats

There are different formats of certificate files for different platforms. PEM Format This format is most often used by certificate...