
What is hosting reselling and why do you need it?

Today, thousands upon thousands of new websites are created every day. Getting into the market of providing IT services means providing yourself with a stable income and good prospects. And to do this, sometimes, can be much easier than many people think, because it can be done without specific skills. It is quite easy if you become a hosting reseller. This type of activity can be a lucrative business for those who want to offer hosting services without having to build their own infrastructure. In this article, we will take an in-depth look at what hosting reselling is, how it works and how profitable this type of business is.

What is hosting reselling?

Hosting reselling is the process of reselling hosting services from a large provider to customers under their own brand name. In other words, a reseller purchases a certain amount of resources from an ISP and resells them to its customers. This allows you to launch your own web hosting business without having to invest heavily in hardware and technical support. If you have an appropriate customer base, understand how to provide a steady stream of sales, you can earn from reselling without large investments.

How reselling works

The basic principle of reselling hosting is, as we have already noted, is to rent a certain amount of resources from a provider. These resources include disk space, bandwidth, email accounts, and other services. The reseller then distributes these resources to its customers, setting its own rates and terms of service.

Resellers usually have access to a dedicated dashboard that allows them to control and allocate resources to clients. These can be panels such as cPanel, Plesk or others. In this way, a reseller can offer its customers the same features and functions as large hosting companies, but under its own brand.

What resellers of hosting services resell

Hosting resellers can make money by reselling a wide range of services. The list is limited only by the capabilities of the provider of these services.

  • Shared Hosting.

The most popular and affordable type of hosting where multiple websites are hosted on a single server and use shared resources such as processing power, RAM and disk space.

  • VPS hosting.

Each client gets a virtual server that runs independently of other users on the same physical server. VPS gives you more control and resources compared to shared hosting, making it ideal for sites with higher performance and security requirements. Resellers can sell a variety of VPS configurations, catering to the needs of small and medium-sized businesses.

  • Dedicated servers.

Dedicated servers are designed for customers who require maximum performance, security and control. In this case, the client is given an entire physical server that is not shared with other users. This type of hosting is suitable for large websites, online stores and high load applications.

The reseller can also sell email hosting and management services for companies and individuals, cloud storage, website migration services, and more.

What is hosting reselling and why do you need it?

Who would be suitable for hosting reselling?

Consider who could potentially become buyers of this type of service.

  • Web designers and developers.

For web designers and developers reselling hosting services is a great way to expand your services. Instead of recommending third-party companies to customers, they can offer hosting as part of their services.

  • Marketing Agencies.

Marketing agencies often work with clients who need complete solutions for their online presence. Including hosting in the service portfolio makes the offerings more comprehensive and attractive, and clients who receive all services in one place are more likely to remain loyal to the agency.

  • IT consultants and freelancers.

Consultants can offer not only technical support but also hosting, making their services more comprehensive.

  • Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMB).

SMBs can use hosting reselling to improve internal IT solutions and create additional revenue streams.

  • Educational institutions and NPOs.

Educational institutions and non-profit organizations can also benefit from reselling hosting. This provides a convenient and affordable solution for hosting websites, learning platforms and other resources, as well as hosting options for various initiatives and projects.

Choosing a provider for reselling

Choosing the right provider for hosting reselling is a key step towards a successful business. There are several factors to consider in order to do this:

  • Reliability and uptime. The provider should guarantee high reliability and minimal downtime.
  • Technical Support. Quality and prompt support is essential to resolve any issues that may arise for the reseller or their customers.
  • Costs and Fees. The provider should offer competitive pricing and flexible pricing plans, as well as special terms and conditions for resellers.
  • Control Panel. Convenient and functional control panel will facilitate the reseller’s work.

Studying reviews and ratings of the provider will help you make an informed choice.


Reselling hosting is a great opportunity for those who want to start their own business in this area or expand the range of services provided to customers without significant investment. With the right choice of partner and competent management, hosting reselling can become a stable source of income and a promising direction for business.

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