A subdomain is a part of a domain that can be directed to a separate directory. For example, if tuthost.com is a domain, then sub.tuthost.com is a subdomain. If the main domain can be a single site, the subdomain can host another site, which may not be associated in any way with the main.
To create a subdomain, go to your control panel at https://ваш_домен:2222. Then in the “Account Management” section select the “Subdomain Configuration” item.

Click on “Add subdomain”.

Enter the name of the new subdomain and click “Add subdomain”.

The new subdomain should be added to the list.

Within about 10 minutes the subdomain should work.
If you need to create a separate record for the created subdomain in the domain settings, then you can do it according to these instructions: https://tuthost.ua/faq/dobavlenie-dns-zapisej-dlya-domena-cname-a-aaaa-ns-txt/