
What are keywords in simple words?

Keywords play an important, if not major, role in how users find websites and how websites appear in search results. Let’s take a look at what keywords are and how to use them to promote your product, because this is one of the most effective SEO tools relative to its simplicity.

Keywords: short about the concept

Keywords are the words or phrases that most accurately describe the content of the text or topic of a web page. They help search engines understand what the page is about and link it to user queries, thus improving search engine visibility by attracting a targeted audience.

Simply put, if a person is looking for a recipe for tuna pasta, they will type in various phrases like “tuna pasta recipe”, “tuna pasta recipe”, “how to cook tuna pasta”, etc. into a search engine. The more such occurrences there are on your site and the more naturally they are embedded in the text, the higher the site will be ranked in the search engine.

Why do you need to embed keywords in your texts?

Implementing keywords into your texts first of all makes your content more visible to search engines like Google. When a user enters a query into the search box, the system analyzes keywords on web pages to determine their relevance to the query. The greater the keyword match, the more likely it is that your page will be the one that shows up in the search results. Of course, this is not the only indicator, but it is very important.

In addition, using keywords helps to attract the target audience. If you use the same words and phrases that your potential users use when searching for information, the likelihood of them finding your company increases dramatically.

Organized keys make the text more structured and informative. They help users to understand what they are talking about more quickly and find the information they need more easily.

With the right keywords, you can increase the likelihood that users will perform a desired action on your site, such as making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, navigating to a desired section of , etc.

What are the semantics of a website?

Semantics of the site is a set of keywords, phrases and their combinations, which are related to the theme and content of the resource and are contained in its semantic core. They describe the semantic content of a web resource and help search engines better understand its subject matter and context. It’s kind of like a language that search engines use to understand what your site is about, and helps them determine which queries from users are most popular.

The semantics of a site includes not only individual words, but also their interrelationships, contextual relationships, and semantic fields. For example, if your resource is dedicated to the topic of healthy lifestyle, then the semantics of the site will include keywords and phrases related to fitness, nutrition, medicine, health, etc.

Understanding site semantics allows search engines to better index and rank the site’s pages in the output, as well as link them to user queries. This helps to improve the visibility and relevance of the resource in search results and attract a specific audience.

Features of semantics collection

In order to implement the necessary keys into their website, the owner needs to successfully select them and utilize them in the right way. It is done in the following manner:

  1. Exploring resource topics. The first step is to understand the theme and content of your website. This includes identifying the key topics you want your content to cover.
  1. Analyzing user queries. Research the queries that users use most often when searching for information related to your topic. You can do this by using analytics or keyword tools such as Google Keyword Planner and others.
  1. Competitor Research. Analyzing competitors’ keywords and strategies can help you identify potentially effective keywords and topics for your website. After all, why learn from your mistakes when your competitors already have ready-made solutions!
  1. Use of special tools. There are various tools and services designed to analyze and collect keywords and semantics of a website. Some of them provide information about search volume, competition level and other parameters that can help in selecting optimal keywords.
  1. Continuous updating and analysis. The semantics of the site will change over time based on changes in trends, user requests, and other non-objective factors. Therefore, it’s important to regularly analyze and update your list of keywords and phrases to optimize your content and SEO strategy, especially if you’ve migrated your site to the new engine.

The more qualitatively all these steps are performed and the more auxiliary tools you involve, the higher your site will be ranked by the search network and the more conversions you will get.

However, it is not enough to only implement the right keys in the semantic core of your internet portal. It is also important the quality of content, its proper structure and uniqueness, proper use of meta tags, technically correct site structure and much more. Content written with the right keys is good, but it’s also important that it’s readable, informative, and interesting to the user. This will help to keep him on the site, cause him to trust a particular product or service.


Competently used keywords and building with their help semantic kernel owner – one of the most important tools to promote the site. Today, the requirements for this process are very high, as the competition in this field is huge. Those who make a comprehensive selection of semantics, and most importantly – correctly and regularly update the semantic core, will get high results and achieve consistently high search engine ranking.

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