New hosting rates
New hosting rates are available to order. Now 3 times the space, for the same money.
Existing customers can optionally switch to a new plan, directly from the billing panel.
Changes in prices for Code Signing certificates More
New hosting rates are available to order. Now 3 times the space, for the same money.
Existing customers can optionally switch to a new plan, directly from the billing panel.
Creation and administration Wordpress sites. Website speed optimization.
Electronic document management support is implemented in the billing, using the “Vchasno” service.
Starting January 1, 2010 we are pleased to offer you 10 new SSL certificates from the largest certificate authorities: Thawte, Geotrust and Verisign. We guarantee the best price for digital certificates.
TutHost was founded in June 2004 and this year we are 9 years old. In this regard, we have prepared six gifts for our customers.
The largest IT-conference in Ukraine, Iforum 2012, was held in Kiev on April 17. In the past few years we attended the conference simply as participants, this year we decided to set up our own booth for the first time. Read more… At our booth we decided not to just hand out information sheets, but…
Registration of domains in zones NEWS and LIVE is opened and immediately action – registration of domains for only 3.5 $ per year. The NEWS domain is great for news sites or blogs, and the LIVE domain for broadcasts, podcasts and personal sites.
Будь ласка очікуйте перенаправлення на українську версію...
SSL certificates
We have been selling SSL certificates since 2011. Due to the large number of sales, we can offer the best price for certificates. Most certificates are activated instantly after payment.
SSL by type
About us
TutHost provides all the necessary services for site hosting. The company since 2004 provides hosting services, domain registration, as well as rental and server hosting.
About company
TutHost LLC
Office adress: lane. Western 3c, of. 2-3, Kyiv, Ukraine
Postal address: TOV Tuthost, P.O. Box 86, Kiev, 03087
Phone: +380 (44) 391 0955
Office hours: mon-fri 10:00-19:00