CSR Generator

Generate your CSR request and private key – simply

CSR – Certificate Server Request is a file required to create an SSL certificate.

How to generate a CSR online?

  1. Read the instructions and fill in all the fields using the Latin alphabet and click the button below
  2. The CSR will be displayed on the screen.
  3. Copy and paste the csr into a text editor and save it as csr.txt – you will need it when ordering the SSL certificate
  4. The second file is your private key – you will need it when installing the SSL certificate. Save it and don’t pass it on to anyone else.

Important: For Wildcard certificates, add the symbols * to the domain name. (asterisk and dot) in front of the domain name. For example: *.domain.com

Common Name – для SSL сертификатов – главный домен, для Code Signing – название организации.
Юридическое название вашей компании или организации.
Подразделение организации использующее сертификат.
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