Microsoft has now stopped the SPLA program.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to purchase licenses for rent through us right now.

We offer Microsoft licenses for rent, with a monthly payment, which allows you to save on the cost of purchasing a license. For comparison, the cost of a Microsoft Windows Server Standard Edition 2022 R2 license is more than 800 cu, while with us you can rent it for only 25 cu. per month. You can only use leased licenses on equipment located in our data center.

Windows Server 2022 R2 Datacenter is a powerful server platform that provides reliable support for the most important processes and workloads. This edition features advanced virtualization capabilities, power savings; improved manageability; and easier access to company resources for mobile employees.

Windows Server 2022 R2 Standard is the most robust Windows Server operating system currently available. This system has a built-in web server and virtualization capabilities. It will help increase the reliability and flexibility of the server infrastructure while reducing costs and saving time. Powerful tools provide better server management, simplifying setup and management. This operating system’s robust security protects networks and data, allowing you to build an exceptionally strong foundation for your business’ IT environment.

Best Price Guarantee. We constantly make sure that our prices for software licenses are the lowest. If you find the same license for a lower price from someone else – just write to us and we will make a special discount for you.

Type of LicensePrice/month. Заказ
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2, 2016, 2019, 2022  
Windows Server Datacenter (8 ядер включено) CL-
Windows Server Standard (8 ядер включено) CL-
Microsoft SQL Server 2008/2012/2014  
SQL Server 2008/2012/2014 Enterprise Edition (на 2 ядра процессора) CL-
SQL Server 2008/2012/2014 Standard Edition (на 2 ядра процессора) CL-
SQL Server 2008/2012/2014 Web Edition (на 2 ядра процессора) CL-
SQL Server 2008/2012/2014 Standard Edition (на пользователя) SAL-
Microsoft Exchange Server
Microsoft Exchange Server Enterprise (на пользователя) SAL-
Microsoft Exchange Server Basic (на пользователя) SAL-
Terminal licenses (remote access)
Лицензия терминального доступа Windows Remote Desktop Services SAL (1 пользователь)-
Microsoft Office (rental)
Microsoft Office Standard (SAL)-
Microsoft Office Proffesional Plus (SAL)-


man Per user

Subscriber Access License (SAL). A user license is required for each user who had access to this software during the reporting period.

The ram On processor

Per Processor License (PL). Processor license gives the right of access to an unlimited number of users to the software installed on the server.

Software is installed only by our specialists and only on servers rented or hosted by us.


Идеально для…Основные технологииМодель лицензирования
DatacenterСреда с высокой плотностью виртуализации (динамические ЦОДы, частные облака)Полная функциональность с неограниченными правами на запуск виртуальных машинПроцессор + CAL*
StandardНизкая плотность, или без виртуализацииПолная функциональность с правом запуска до двух виртуальных машинПроцессор + CAL*

Each server license covers two physical processors (sockets). Accordingly, if your server has more than 2 processors – you need to buy 2 (or more) server licenses. In the case of single-processor servers, a single dual-processor license cannot be split because The license, although it covers two processors, comes “per server”. It is also not possible to combine licenses of different editions within one server.

Each edition has the ability to deploy a number of virtual machines within a single license. In the case of Standard – it is 2 VMs, in the case of Datacenter – an unlimited number of VMs. The rules in this case are the same as for the Enterprise edition of Windows Server 2008 R2 – either 1 physical instance or 2 virtual ones on a server with a single hypervisor role.

SPLAProduct TitlesPart license number
Processor Licenses (PL)Windows Server DatacenterP71-01031
Windows Server StandardP73-04837
Windows Server EssentialsG3S-00566
Subscriber Licenses (SAL)Windows Remote Desktop Services6WC-00002
SQL Server
Core Licenses (CL)SQL Server 2014 Enterprise (2 Core Pack)7JQ-00341
SQL Server 2014 Standard (2 Core Pack)7NQ-00302
SQL Server 2014 Web (2 Core Pack)TFA-00523
Subscriber Licenses (SAL)SQL Server Standard228-05018
SQL Server 2014 Business IntelligenceD2M-00502
Subscriber Licenses (SAL)Dynamics CRM Service Provider EditionQHH-00028
DynCRMSrvcPrvdr 1 License SAL BasicQHH-00089
DynCRMSrvcPrvdr  1 License SAL EssentialsQHH-00090
Dynamics SL Hosted Advanced Management Full User65F-00011
Dynamics SL Hosted Business Essentials Full User65F-00059
Dynamics NAV Hosted LmtdUser SAL4CL-00390
Dynamics NAV Hosted  FullUser4CL-00389
Dynamics NAV Hosted Standard SAL4CL-00391
Dynamics GP Hosted  LmtdUser SAL65D-00119
Dynamics GP Hosted Full User SAL65D-00118
Dynamics GP Hosted Standard SAL65D-00123
Dynamics AX Hosted PerDvc SAL EntFA8-00092
DynAXHstd ALNG LicSAPk MVL PerUsr SAL FnctnlFA8-00098
Dynamics AX Hosted  PerUsr SAL EntFA8-00096
Exchange Hosted (Microsoft Hosted)
Subscriber Licenses (SAL)Exchange Hosted Encryption74G-00001
Exchange Server (Partner Hosted)
Subscriber Licenses (SAL)Hosted Exchange Basic9MD-00001
Hosted Exchange Enterprise9MC-00001
Hosted Exchange Enterprise Plus4MH-00001
Hosted Exchange StandardF08-00025
Hosted Exchange Standard PlusF09-00018
Forefront (Microsoft Hosted)
Subscriber Licenses (SAL)Identity Manager 2016 FunctionalityNK7-00003
Skype for Business Server
Subscriber Licenses (SAL)Skype for Business Server Standard (IM/Presence)6QH-00002
Skype for Business Server Enterprise (IM/Presence & Conferencing)6RH-00002
Skype for Business Server Plus (IM/Presence & Voice)6SH-00002
Skype for Business Server Ent Plus (IM/Presence & Conf. & Voice)6TH-00002
Subscriber Licenses (SAL)Office Standard021-08183
Office Professional Plus79P-01747
Subscriber Licenses (SAL)Productivity Standard Suite SAL -Incl. Exch Std, Lync Ent, & SP StdT9A-00002
Productivity Standard Suite SAL (for Core CAL Suite SA)T9A-00003
Productivity Standard Suite SAL (for Ent CAL Suite SA)T9A-00001
Hosted Exchange Standard SAL for SAF08-00027
Hosted Exchange Enterprise SAL for SA9MC-00004
Skype for Business Server Standard SAL for SA6QH-00004
Skype for Business Server Enterprise SAL for SA6RH-00004
Skype for Business  Server Plus SAL for SA6SH-00004
SharePoint Server Standard SAL for SA76M-01134
SharePoint Server Enterprise SAL for SA76P-01361
SharePoint Server
Processor Licenses (PL)SharePoint HostingV6V-00001
Subscriber Licenses (SAL)SharePoint Svr Enterprise (Additive SAL. Also must acquire SP Std)76P-00840
SharePoint Server Standard76P-00742
Host(PL)Cloud Platform SuiteN5Y-00020
GuestCloud Platform GuestP2Y-00001
Core Licenses (CL)BizTalk Server 2013 R2 Enterprise 2 Licenses Core LicenseF52-02144
BizTalkServer 2013 R2 Standard 2 Licenses Core LicenseD75-01979
BizTalk Server 2013 R2 Branch 2 Licenses Core LicenseHJA-00774
Processor Licenses (PL)Core Infrastructure Server Suite DatacenterFUD-00009
Core Infrastructure Server Suite StandardYJD-00007
Provisioning SystemK63-00006
System Center 2012 DatacenterT6L-00249
System Center 2012 StandardT9L-00249
Provisioning SystemK63-00006
Subscriber Licenses (SAL)Project ServerH22-01677
System Center 2012 Client Management SuiteMFF-00504
System Center 2012 Config ManagerJ5A-01228
System Center Endpoint ProtectionM3J-00104
Visual Studio EntepriseNL7-00024
Visual Studio ProfessionalC5E-00746
Visual Studio PremiumN5F-00074
Visual Studio UltimateN4F-00074
Visual Studio Team Foundation Svr125-00361
Visual Studio Team Foundation Svr125-01006
Visio PremiumTSD-00935
Visual Studio Test ProfessionalN3F-00077
App Virt SALDLC-00016
Windows Rights Mgmt Services SALT98-02400