Status of the official registrar in the OD.UA zone
In January company TutHost received the status of the official registrar in the zone OD.UA, now we can register domains in this zone for our customers even more quickly.
Changes in prices for Code Signing certificates More
In January company TutHost received the status of the official registrar in the zone OD.UA, now we can register domains in this zone for our customers even more quickly.
Creation and administration Wordpress sites. Website speed optimization.
The latest ImunifyAV+ antivirus is connected to the virtual hosting. All client sites are scanned once a day.
This year TutHost turned 8 years old. In 2004, the domain was registered, which is about how the site looked back then.Over the past year we have managed quite a lot, then a brief list, and at the end of the code for a discount :). Read more…
Communication with support is now available via chat and messengers: telegram, viber, facebook and skype.
As of June 1, .com, .net, .org, .biz, .info, .name will cost 11 cents a year. Over the past few years, the cost of these domains has gone up several times. We tried to keep the current price for customers longer. Despite this we still have the best prices for international domains.
Disk space at reselling hosting rates has increased fourfold as of today. The price remains the same. For existing resellers, space is also increased for free.
Due to recent events on the financial market, the dollar to hryvnia exchange rate has been set at 1 to 6 since October 30. We tried for a long time to keep the rate for our customers at the old level, but now we have to change it.
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SSL certificates
We have been selling SSL certificates since 2011. Due to the large number of sales, we can offer the best price for certificates. Most certificates are activated instantly after payment.
SSL by type
About us
TutHost provides all the necessary services for site hosting. The company since 2004 provides hosting services, domain registration, as well as rental and server hosting.
About company
TutHost LLC
Office adress: lane. Western 3c, of. 2-3, Kyiv, Ukraine
Postal address: TOV Tuthost, P.O. Box 86, Kiev, 03087
Phone: +380 (44) 391 0955
Office hours: mon-fri 10:00-19:00