Exchange rate of dollar to hryvnia 1 to 9
From December 17, the dollar exchange rate against the hryvnia is set at 1 to 9. We still try to keep the lowest possible rate for our customers.
Changes in prices for Code Signing certificates More
From December 17, the dollar exchange rate against the hryvnia is set at 1 to 9. We still try to keep the lowest possible rate for our customers.
Creation and administration Wordpress sites. Website speed optimization.
This year TutHost turned 8 years old. In 2004, the domain was registered, which is about how the site looked back then.Over the past year we have managed quite a lot, then a brief list, and at the end of the code for a discount :). Read more…
Terms and conditions, in brief Pay for any service between December 15, 2017 and January 10, 2018 and enter to win a Xiaomi smartphone, music player and other prizes. The owner of each such account receives the number of tickets equal to the amount of the paid account divided by $15 (405 UAH). That is,…
As of December 1, 2015, ISPsystem stops selling, renewing licenses and providing free consultations (on the forum and in the personal cabinet) on the 4th generation software products.
The price to rent the action servers has been reduced.Two server configurations participate in the action: Dual-coreProcessor: 2 cores 2.2GHz or higherRAM: 2 GbDisk: 500 GbChannel: 100 MbpsInstallation: free of charge Quad-coreProcessor: 4 cores 2.2GHz or higherMemory: 4 GbDisk: 500 GbChannel: 100 MbpsInstallation: free of charge The number of servers is limited!Action page: Server rental
Created tools for working with SSL certificates. They allow you to perform many different operations with SSL certificates, such as certificate validation, CSR decryption, certificate decryption, key verification, SSL conversion and others.
From December 30, 2009 until January 1, 2010, our office will not be open. Also at this time, customer support will be done only by email. From January 4, the office and support service will work as usual.
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SSL certificates
We have been selling SSL certificates since 2011. Due to the large number of sales, we can offer the best price for certificates. Most certificates are activated instantly after payment.
SSL by type
About us
TutHost provides all the necessary services for site hosting. The company since 2004 provides hosting services, domain registration, as well as rental and server hosting.
About company
TutHost LLC
Office adress: lane. Western 3c, of. 2-3, Kyiv, Ukraine
Postal address: TOV Tuthost, P.O. Box 86, Kiev, 03087
Phone: +380 (44) 391 0955
Office hours: mon-fri 10:00-19:00