5 new domain zones
Five new domain zones are available for registration. .ES – Spain, .PRO – Professionals, .CA – Canada, .CO – Colombia, .DE – Germany. Thus domains in 68 domain zones are now available for registration.
Changes in prices for Code Signing certificates More
Five new domain zones are available for registration. .ES – Spain, .PRO – Professionals, .CA – Canada, .CO – Colombia, .DE – Germany. Thus domains in 68 domain zones are now available for registration.
Creation and administration Wordpress sites. Website speed optimization.
We have implemented support for the HTTP/2 protocol on the new hosting servers. The main advantage of this protocol is that the sites are loaded much faster.
From December 17, the dollar exchange rate against the hryvnia is set at 1 to 9. We still try to keep the lowest possible rate for our customers.
From May 7 you can again use an affiliate program and get 20% of every payment you attracted.
Enabled on all new servers the ability to select the version of PHP in Directadmin. Versions from the old 5.2 to the latest PHP 5.5 are available.
Electronic document management support is implemented in the billing, using the “Vchasno” service.
Activated the new design of mail hosting for tariffs, on the site in Ukraine. Now it’s even easier and more convenient to manage mailboxes.
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SSL certificates
We have been selling SSL certificates since 2011. Due to the large number of sales, we can offer the best price for certificates. Most certificates are activated instantly after payment.
SSL by type
About us
TutHost provides all the necessary services for site hosting. The company since 2004 provides hosting services, domain registration, as well as rental and server hosting.
About company
TutHost LLC
Office adress: lane. Western 3c, of. 2-3, Kyiv, Ukraine
Postal address: TOV Tuthost, P.O. Box 86, Kiev, 03087
Phone: +380 (44) 391 0955
Office hours: mon-fri 10:00-19:00