How do I activate the SMS notification about the end of the service?

To do this you need to specify your phone number in your personal cabinet and mark which notifications you want to receive.

In the old interface, you need:

  1. Specify the cell phone number in: CustomerUsers – select a user and specify the phone number.
    How do I activate the SMS notification about the end of the service?
  2. Under ClientUser Settings – at the bottom there is“Setting up notifications” – check the checkboxes:“Receive financial notifications” and “Receive notifications on services” in the SMS column.
    How do I activate the SMS notification about the end of the service?

In the new interface:

  1. In the upper right corner, click on the user icon and select“Notifications
  2. In the Notification settings block, check the checkboxes:“Receive financial notifications” and “Receive service notifications” in the SMS column.
    How do I activate the SMS notification about the end of the service?
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