To create a mailbox, go to “E-Mail Accounts” in the Control Panel. You will see that there is already one box of the form: This box cannot be deleted. This is the system drawer in a UNIX system. Access to this box is by login and password from the account. Please note that as a login you must specify the login from the account, and not the name of the whole mailbox. This box can receive e.g. error messages for scripts that run on the cron. You should not use this address for everyday correspondence, because the password to this address is the same as the password to the account. If someone finds out or intercepts the password to this box, they will essentially be able to access the account as well. If this box receives information, it is better to set forwarding from this box to any other box. You can do this in the Control Panel under “Redirections”. Advanced users can create a file named “.forward” in the account’s home directory. In this file you must write the address to which you want to redirect.

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