How do I reset the DNS cache?

WINDOWS uses caching of DNS objects to reduce the number of requests and to improve performance. After changing the IP for a domain, the changes are not applied immediately. You can reset the cache for your computer’s DNS records to speed up this process. It can be done this way:

To do this, open a command line as an administrator. Press Win+R at the same time to start, then type cmd and press OK.

How do I reset the DNS cache?

Or press the Win key and type cmd, then select the program to run.

How do I reset the DNS cache?

After launching, enter at the command prompt:

ipconfig /flushdns​
How do I reset the DNS cache?

When finished, you will see a message in the command line “The DNS mapper cache has been successfully cleared.”

How do I reset the DNS cache?

The following message is also possible: “Windows IP configuration successfully flushed the DNS Resolver Cache. for the English version of Windows.

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