How can I see the limit and consumption of resources on hosting?

To see the consumption of resources you need to go into the control panel hosting and find there option Resource Usage.

When you click on the link you may see warnings such as: CPU resources were limited for your site or Memory resources were limited for your site. This means that you have exceeded this resource (CPU or memory) in the last 24 hours.

To see more information, click on the Details link below.

There you will see six graphs and a table of resource consumption. Let’s take a closer look at them:

Resource Usage

The CPU Usage graph shows the percentage consumption of CPU resources. The red line is the resource limit, and the blue line is the consumption of resources, for the selected time interval. If the blue line hits the red one, it means that the resource has been exceeded at that point in time.

Virtual Memory Usage graph virtual memory consumption

The Physical Memory Usage graph physical (resident) memory consumption

Input/Output Usage graph speed of disk operations

Entry Processes chart the number of simultaneous processes. Each access to the site is one process.

The Faults graph errors that occur when reaching the resource limit.

Consider also the values shown in the table of resource consumption, immediately below the graph. The actual table shows the same data as in the graph, where a is the average sub-consumption of resources, l is the resource limit and m is the maximum consumption.

CPU column – CPU consumption, in percent.

vMEM(MB) column – virtual memory consumption.

pMEM(MB) column – physical memory consumption.

EP column – number of processes.

nPROC column – this limit is not used at the moment.

IO(KB/s) column – I/O operations.

VMemF column – the number of errors when the virtual memory limit is exceeded.

PMemF column – the number of errors when the physical memory limit is exceeded.

EPf column – the number of errors when the process limit is exceeded.

NprocF column – this limit is not used.

It is also worth noting that statistics on resource consumption is not conducted on individual sites, but on the entire account.

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