How do I change the authorization data of the OpenCart administrator user?

Data about users and passwords opencart stores in the database in the table user.

Therefore, to change the password to go to the database management interface PhpMyAdmin and choose a database that is used in OpenCart.

If you forget the name of the database used for the site, you can look in the file config.php, field DB_DATABASE.

In PhpMyAdmin go tothe SQL section:

How do I change the authorization data of the OpenCart administrator user?

By default OpenCart uses the “oc_” prefix and the administrator ID is usually set to 1.

Therefore, use the following sql command to change the password:

UPDATE `oc_user` SET `password` = MD5('my_secret_password') WHERE `user_id` = 1;

where instead of my_secret_password specify your new password.

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