A very handy utility for quick work with Wordpress is available on the hosting plans for Wordpress. Working with it takes place through the command line, and the SSH protocol is used to connect. If you do not have experience with the command line – we do not recommend you to use this utility, as wrong actions can damage the site.

The WP-CLI tool is designed to allow you to quickly perform common Wordpress operations that are usually done in the admin area through the command line. For example, installing/updating plugins, adding users, etc. Developers of sites on Wordpress will be able to appreciate how much it can speed up the work in the mass development of sites.

Brief WP-CLI Documentation

Complete list of WP-CLI commands

To get access via SSH – fill out a simple request form in those. support – after which we will activate SSH access for you.

  • You can check your current IP address here: https://whatismyipaddress.com/

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