This is a Russian translation of the document provided by ICANN.

The original in English is here:

Rights of domain name owners:

  1. Registration of your domain name and any privacy and proxy registration services you may use in this regard are subject to the provisions of the Top Level Domain Administration Agreement entered into with an ICANN-accredited registrar.
    • You have the right to review this Top Level Domain Administration Agreement at any time and to download and retain a copy for future reference.
  2. You have the right to receive accurate and accessible information about the following
    • the identity of your ICANN-accredited registrar;
    • the identity of all privacy providers or registration through proxies affiliated with your Registrar;
    • your Registrar’s terms and conditions applicable to domain name registration, including information about fees;
    • terms and conditions applicable to any privacy services provided by your Registrar, including pricing information;
    • customer support services provided by your Registrar and privacy provider, and how to contact them;
    • Procedures for filing complaints and resolving disputes with your Registrar, including in connection with all confidentiality services it provides;
    • instructions explaining the procedures used by your Registrar to register, manage, transfer, renew, and restore your domain name registration, including through any privacy or proxy registration services provided by your Registrar.
  3. Your Registrar may not send you false advertising or mislead you personally or through any privacy or proxy registration services provided by your Registrar. This includes misleading notices, hidden fees and any other practices prohibited by the consumer protection law in your place of residence.

Responsibilities of domain name owners:

  1. You must comply with the terms and conditions published by your Registrar, including the relevant policies of your Registrar, the registry, and ICANN.
  2. It is your responsibility to review the current registration agreement you have with your Registrar and any changes to that agreement.
  3. You are solely responsible for the registration and use of your domain name.
  4. It is your responsibility to provide accurate information for publication in reference services such as WHOIS, and to update this data in a timely manner to reflect any changes.
  5. You must respond to inquiries from your Registrar within fifteen (15) days and keep your credentials current with your Registrar. If you want your domain name registration to be renewed automatically, you must also keep your payment details up to date.