Domain registration se

Что такое домен .se?

При поиске в Интернете шведские интернет-пользователи ожидают увидеть адреса сайтов с доменными именами .SE. Если вы местный житель, владелец малого бизнеса, медсестра, продавец или просто цените фильм “Девушка с татуировкой дракона” и IKEA, доменное имя .SE – для вас! С доменным именем .SE вы будете занимать более высокие позиции в результатах местного поиска и в сердцах местных жителей.

Покажите свою связь с культурой шведов и стремление обеспечить лучший интернет в Швеции с помощью домена .SE. Доменное имя .SE – это короткое, профессиональное и запоминающееся имя, которое поможет вашему сайту выделиться в море контента в Интернете. Шведы наслаждаются завидным уровнем жизни и многими изящными вещами. Экономика Швеции в значительной степени определяется экспортом древесины, гидроэнергии и железной руды.

Защита вашего бренда так же важна, как и его развитие. Регистрация названия вашего бренда в Швеции – это одна из лучших профилактических мер, которые вы можете предпринять для защиты вашего товарного знака и борьбы с нарушением авторских прав. Ваше доменное имя – это ваш бренд, а ваш бренд – это вы! Зарегистрируйте свое идеальное доменное имя .SE, пока это не сделал кто-то другой.

The domain se supports Latin characters

Registration and renewal of se domain costs 40.50 $ for 1 year and the domain can be registered for not more than 5 year.

The minimum number of characters in the domain is 3, and the maximum is 63.

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Domain Characteristics se

Name of domain zonese
Domain countryEU countries
Registration timeInstantly
Maximum registration period5 years
Minimum domain length3 symbol
Maximum domain length63 characters
Domain zone rules
IDN support
Data protection/hiding
LimitationsNo restrictions
The price of restoration $
Domain transfer costs40.50 $

Best Price Guarantee:
found cheaper – let us know and get a discount.

Domain name prices se

1 year2 years3 years
40.50 $81.00 $121.50 $

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Register a domain in the zone se

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How to choose and register a domain se

diamond Uniqueness

Most often as a domain name take the name of the company and here it is important uniqueness. You’re in luck if you pick up both the name of the company and the domain at the same time. In that case, immediately check the options that come to your mind. It is important to check whether there are already companies with a similar or similar name. Because if there is already a big company with a similar name, which has been operating for a long time – it will be difficult for you to overtake it in search results. Also, you can be confused with a competitor and you will lose some traffic.

document Domain length

Despite the fact that in the domain zone se there is an opportunity to use 63 symbols in the domain name – we do not recommend it. As a rule, the shorter the domain, the better and easier it is to remember. But a domain that is too short can also be difficult to remember, for example, if you will use an abbreviation or acronym for the name, in most cases we don’t recommend it.

global Simplicity

A domain name in the se zone should be easy to remember and write. For example, imagine if you dictate over the phone slozhnoe-nazwanie .se. There are several complications in such a domain: it is a hyphen, it is a transliteration of the letter g, which can be written as zh, zsh, zch and so on. Therefore, it will be better if the domain does not contain hyphens, numbers and difficult-to-pronounce parts.

infrastructure Additional domains

If you have registered a domain only in the se zone – then check the same name in related domains. For example, for a company that operates in Kiev, in addition to registering domain, you can also register domains and Otherwise, you may find yourself in a situation where you decide to expand your business – and competitors take your name in other domain zones. Better get ahead of them.

Domain registration procedure se

The whole process of registering a se domain boils down to the following simple steps :

  1. Think of a domain name and check if it is free in the zone se. If the domain is free, go ahead and register .
  2. Fill in the registrant contact for the domain se. The registrant is the person or organization that owns the domain
  3. Specify the nameservers to which to point the domain se. You can ask your hoster, if you place the site with us or have not yet decided where to place the site – specify our nemservers:,,, (one in line) .
  4. Pay for the domain – you can use any of more than 10 available payment methods. After payment, the domain se will automatically be registered. If you have already hosted your site, it will be available as soon as the DNS is updated by your ISP (usually about an hour).