• When you register a domain name, you become its owner for the period of registration you choose, which is usually from one to ten years. If you want to continue to use the name, including any associated services (such as a website or email service), you must renew through your registrar before the registration expires. If you do not do this, you risk losing the domain name for a while, and possibly forever. ICANN has no right to return domain names to you, including names with expired registration.
  • The process to ensure the permanence of domain name registration is fairly straightforward, but it is important to understand the process and your responsibilities before you risk losing this valuable asset. Remain current on the terms and conditions of your agreement with your registrar regarding the expiration of your domain name registration, make timely payments related to your domain name, and keep your contact information with the registrar up to date to receive updates and renewal notices.
Domain name registration renewal