US national domain. The right to register .US domains is: U.S. citizens and residents, entities or organizations incorporated in one of the 50 U.S. states, the District of Columbia and other U.S. territories, entities or organizations doing business or non-profit business in the United States or having offices or representations in the United States. The…


.me domain is the official domain zone of Montenegro. .me domain can be registered by any company or individual. The domain is popular as “my” (my forum, my gallery, my blog).


.ws is the domain zone of the islands of Samoa. But it is popular worldwide due to the deciphering of .ws as “Web-Site”. The domain can be registered by any organization or individual. Common area. There is a price differentiation for this zone, depending on the length of the domain name. If the length of…


.CC is the official domain of Cocos Islands (Indian Ocean). Cocos Islands is a group of 27 coral islands located in the eastern part of the Indian Ocean.