Domain zone .NET.UA is a Ukrainian national second-level domain (national analog of .NET domain zone). It is a general-purpose public domain. Primarily focused on companies involved in the field of telecommunications and network services (Internet and hosting providers, telecom operators, etc.).


The .ua domain is the official top-level domain of Ukraine. UA domain can be registered only if there is a trademark valid on the territory of Ukraine. You can check and register a trademark on our website. The number of the trademark certificate should be specified when ordering a domain. The advantages of using the…

The .IN.UA domain zone is a national second-level domain of general purpose (IN – “INdividual”, i.e. “individual”). As a public domain, it is an integral part of the .UA zone.

.CO.UA zone was created for registration of domain names of the third level, after Colombian national domain .CO was transformed into an open international top-level domain zone. Residents and non-residents of Ukraine can register the domain. Legal entities and individuals are allowed to get a name here.

Domain – Ukrainian general purpose domain zone. Buy domain can any individual or organization, without restrictions. A good alternative to .com in the Ukrainian segment. Advantages of the domain If you are going to buy a domain, you should know about its advantages: no special documents are required for registration; instant…

The .BIZ.UA domain zone is a national second-level domain (derived from the word “BIZ Business”). It is a general-purpose domain. It is considered to be the first commercial domain zone, which was opened in the directory of .UA domain zone. Using .BIZ.UA allows you to associate the resource with the business sector.

Domain is a regional domain area of Ukraine, Kharkiv region. Domain can be registered by any individual or organization.